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The Best Day

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Mouse in the Mug

















There was once a young girl, with lemon stained skin
Atop her head, a red bow, tied and pinned
Born to a mother who was just a child herself
She was adopted to the Man family, who were spoiled in wealth
A Cinderella of the house, was how she was raised
Not even allowed to stay in their home, so she would sleep in the maize
But do not think she would be off duty
She kept working, while the family slept for their beauty
Each night she was told to seek after the light
These identical balls of fire that disappeared with a bite
They had told her to eat them as quick as she could
This was not something she had ever understood
But she obeyed and ingested the lights without fail
Around every corner and down every trail
It wasn’t as simple as you think it seems
This was actually just one of the family’s schemes
Because long ago in the place that they dwell
A witch had come and cast a spell
Every night the fields would light up with balls
And their crops would be ablaze if one did not eat them all
So the family had needed someone they could acquire
To quickly eat all the lights before there was a fire
They were offered the girl for a coin made of gold
The decision was easy, she had been sold
To keep her from wandering away in the night
Mrs. Man hired four ghosts to give her a fright
If they got close enough they could swallow her whole
In just a fraction of a second, she could lose control
Now this was not the only cruel thing that was put into place
Small portions of fruit would be the only food she could ever taste
Cherries were dropped along some of her routes
But only if she had found enough lights to clear out
The ghosts would creep up out of nowhere and spook her
And every now and then something strange would occur
She’d somehow blackout and be back once again
Not knowing where she’d gone, for how long, or when
She didn’t think about it much, it was just part of their game
Another thing to keep her from feeling a little bit sane
Until one night so much anger had built up inside
She would not go after the light, but stay in a corner and hide
It didn’t take long for the ghosts to give her a scare
And suddenly, she just evaporated into thin air
But this time it was final, she wouldn’t be coming back
For was the joy stick broken? I guess so, Miss Pac.

EXPOSITION: You meet the girl, she is adopted into a rich family who treats her like the maid.

CONFLICT: She is treated poorly, a witch had cast a spell on the Man’s home and now it is cursed. The family buys the girl to eat the lights so their crops don’t start on fire. There are ghosts that keep her from leaving and the only food she gets is the fruit along the trails.

CLIMAX: She decides not to go after the light, and is killed by the ghosts.

RESOLUTION: The game is turned off because the user thinks the joystick is broken.

The Backstory

The Backstory

Charlie woke up one Saturday to another monotonous day. It was now Spring, and he had managed to sleep through most of the afternoon.

For years, Charlie lived in Seattle after getting a job at a local bank right out of college. When he was younger he had always dreamed of being an artist, but knew he would be better off with a secure income. Three years had gone by, and with everyday he grew more lonely. His family lived back in New York, where he grew up, and he wasn’t able to see them as often as he would like to. There was no love of his life, no best friend, and not even a neighbor whom had had formed a relationship with.

His weeks were spent at the bank and his weekends at the bar. He knew there was something more out there for him, but he had grown too lazy to seek it out.

Charlie managed to pull himself out of bed and into a pair of jeans and tee. He threw his coat on, grabbed the keys, and headed out to town. Outside the air was damp from last night’s heavy rainfall. All the freshly bloomed flower petals were now spread across the cobblestone walkways creating a confetti-like appearance throughout town.

With his eyes focused on the ground and his shoulders slumped forward, Charlie dragged his feet across the pavement. Out of nowhere, a dog ran straight to him, black in color and visibly wet, most likely from staying outside the night before. The collarless, therefore nameless, dog jumped onto Charlie’s leg, his eyes filled with loneliness.